Cartoon Saloon, established in 1999 by Paul Young, Tomm Moore, and Nora Twomey, is a world renowned animation studio with five Academy Award® and two Golden Globe® nominations and many award wins including BAFTA® and Emmy®.  Located in Kilkenny, Ireland, the studio produces brave and beautiful shorts, feature films, and TV series. Cartoon Saloon is the founder and host of Kilkenny Animated, an annual festival of visual storytelling incorporating exhibitions, talks and performances celebrating the creativity of the animation craft.

In 2024, Cartoon Saloon will be celebrating its 25th anniversary with exciting events planned throughout the year to mark this special occasion

Emmy Award winning & Annie Award nominated Screecher’s Reach is part of Star Wars Visions: Volume 2, an anthology of animated shorts from around the world that celebrates the mythos of Star Wars through unique cultural lenses.

A young girl, seeking reprieve from her days in a rural workhouse, discovers a legendary haunted cave with her friends. The cave’s dark pull will change the trajectory of her life forever.



Here at Cartoon Saloon our goal has always been to make original stories and foster the talent of our crew. We believe in showing exactly what can be achieved when traditional art techniques merge with digital methods to make beautiful animation features, shorts and series. A studio is only as strong as its crew, do you have what it takes to be part of our mission to showcase the storytelling power of 2d animation? Take a look around and see what we have to offer!